# Getting Started

# Why Smart Table

There are a lot of Data Table plugins out there, some of them are very good but pretty much all of them are very complicated to use. What I really wanted was the simplicity of a vanilla HTML table but with the power of the more complex Data Table plugins.

Vue Smart Table is the answer to that need. Creating a Smart Table is almost as simply as creating a Vanilla HTML Table. When you need it, you can enable extra functionality in a way that feels natural. It is very straight forward, you can learn everything you need to know on one sit.

# Installation

To install simply run

npm install vuejs-smart-table@next


yarn add vuejs-smart-table@next

Then in your main.js

import SmartTable from 'vuejs-smart-table'


This will globally register four Components: VTable, VTh, VTr and VTPagination

# For Vue 2

This plugin uses Vue Demiopen in new window to create a universal package that works in both Vue 2 and Vue 3. But in order for it to work in Vue 2 in addition go installing Vue Smart Table, you need to install the composition api package.

npm install @vue/composition-api


yarn add @vue/composition-api
Last Updated: 4/23/2021, 1:17:12 PM